
  • Open XD
  • Create a 664 width and 405 height box, put fill color of #000000, remove outline
  • Duplicate the rectangle, put fill color of #7B7B7B, send to the back. Have the rectangle be 17 px higher than the initial box and move it to the left by 15px.
  • Create a rectangle of #000000 below the two boxes, a centered relationship between the #7B7B7B rectangle and distance of 20px. The new rectangle width should have a width of 693px and a height of 141px.
  • Hold the shift key, and drag and use the line tool to make two lines with a border of 1px, color of #FFFFFF into the smaller box from left to right, distance of each other of 37px.
  • Use the line tool again to make a top to bottom line on the small rectangle box, from the left, at a distance of 74px, color of #FFFFFF and 1px border.
  • Make a circle with a width of 104px and a height of 133px right next to the smaller rectangle, with a color of #615353.
  • Make another circle with a width of 22px and a height of 59px. Put on top of the bigger circle and center it, with the distance from the big circle to the little circle be 21px and the distance between the bottom circle to the smaller circle be 53px.
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  • Images

    Original (Nomin)

    Nancy Jamison

    Ryan Purcell